Friday, December 13, 2019

Wage Garnishment and Personal Bankruptcy – Massachusetts

It’s true when they say money doesn’t grow on trees, but if only it did. Let’s face it, we all get into a little debt at some point in our lives and sometimes it’s more than we can handle.

Sometimes the money we earn gets garnished legally from our paycheck if we can’t pay it back and personal bankruptcy can help.

Debt comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes, but no matter which kind of debt you have, it’s ugly. Credit card debt, student loans, and child support are just a few of the most common types of debt.

Debt is so easy to accrue because spending that loan in the first place happens all too quickly, then all of a sudden, it’s time to pay it back. Where did it go? How did it go so fast? You had every intention of paying it back.

Unfortunately, when you can’t pay it back, or the due date is just too far past, there are other more serious consequences. One of the most common that you might not have heard of is wage garnishment.

What is wage garnishment?

Most people don’t realize that their wages can be garnished until it actually happens.

Specifically, wage garnishment is when the court orders that your employer legally withhold a portion of your paycheck, in order to pay back the debts you owe.

This is often a very difficult situation for individuals, especially living with a smaller paycheck, but rest assured it does not happen for all debts. If you have student loans, child support debt, or other consumer debts, these are all common types for which your wages can be garnished.

Fortunately, once you are in a wage garnishment agreement, it will only continue until your debts have been fully paid. Otherwise, over time, there are ways to reduce your wage garnishment.

For example, you do have legal rights as to how much can be taken out of your paychecks. This is considered a cap. In addition, you can take certain steps to decrease the amount that’s garnished over time, as you begin to repay your debts and bounce back.

Does a Chapter 7 bankruptcy help?

Once you’re in too deep with debt, getting out of it can be scary. A chapter 7 bankruptcy does not require a plan of repayment, and often gets many individuals or couples out of serious debt.

When it comes to wage garnishment, filing for a chapter 7 bankruptcy can help.

Can it be stopped?

If you file for a chapter 7 bankruptcy, this can terminate wage garnishment, or prevent it from happening if it has not happened yet. This is because a chapter 7 bankruptcy specifically states that creditors may not continue to pursue with collection activity. Wage garnishment is a form of collection activity, since they are collecting the money you owe.

The truth is, wage garnishment can be stopped, but that doesn’t always mean that debt can be. Debt is a very common part of the average adult’s life. The question is, what will you do to handle it?

If you are facing wage garnishment in Massachusetts, let our Personal Bankruptcy Firm help. At Hines Law Offices, our experienced bankruptcy attorneys will work with you to stop your wages from being garnished and help you turn things around. We specialize in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy and educate our clients on their options so they can pick what is best for their financial situation. Find out if personal bankruptcy is an option for you. Call today for a Free Case Evaluation!

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