Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The Red Flags of Credit Discrimination


Every day countless individuals and families are denied the chance to build a better future based on credit discrimination. Credit discrimination destroys the financial well-being of its victims. It robs people of the opportunity to use credit responsibly to change their life for the better. For example, to go to college, start a business or buy a house.

Responsible borrowers use credit to their benefit. Credit gives you a chance to do things in life that you do not have the money for and can be life changing in a proactive way.  Discriminatory practices in the marketplace stop these opportunities from realizing.

Federal Law bars banks, credit unions, financial services and lenders from basing their lending decisions on a possible borrower ‘s race, sex, religion etc… These practices discriminate against consumers. Credit discrimination also occurs to those who are overwhelmed in debt. If you are overwhelmed in debt and need a fresh start, bankruptcy might be an option for you. The bankruptcy attorneys at Hines Law, serving the Boston area are experienced and can help.

Here are a few things to keep in mind about credit discrimination. It can happen to anyone and can be hard to spot.

You are refused credit, even though you qualify.

As you are talking to the lender, they make negative comments about race, gender, religion etc…

The lender is discouraging you from applying for credit.

You are treated differently than you were on the phone.

You are denied credit without a reason and you can’t find out why.

You are offered credit with a very high interest rate even though you qualify for a lower rate.


It is important to be aware so you can protect yourself. Although credit enables opportunity it can do harm if you are not responsible.  If you feel you are losing control of your finances and can’t keep up on your credit card payments call one of our bankruptcy attorneys today. Hines Law cares and will help you make the right choice for your financial situation. Gain control with sound advice, call us today!

The post The Red Flags of Credit Discrimination appeared first on Bankruptcy Lawyers Serving Framingham, MA and Beyond.

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